Healy Hotel

"Healy Hotel" is a Lincoln Log time lapse music video.  Watch how 2,071 Lincoln Logs stack up to 33.5 inches high as the music gradually builds along the construction. The melody heard in this composition is "Go Tell Aunt Rhody" arranged into the minor mode.

Lincoln Logs: Tractor no. 2 

"Lincoln Logs: Tractor no. 2" is an animated music video that has clay figures build a tractor.  The piece is made up of 2,717 photos and 45 audio tracks.

Lincoln Logs: Pyramid

"Lincoln Logs: Pyramid" is a time lapse music construction video.  This work was inspired by seeing professional domino builders build pyramids for domino competitions.  The entire structure is made up of 1,540 one notch Lincoln Logs and is made up of ten layers.  The music composition is made up of 324 audio tracks.

Joseph Healy Soda Bar

"Joseph Healy Soda Bar" is an animated Lincoln Log music video.  This piece is made up of 8,601 pictures, 246 Lincoln Logs, 74 audio tracks, and 98 hours to complete.  The filming process started after the creation of "Lincoln Logs: House no. 3" but faced two delays in production.  The first delay was for the construction of "The Healy Lodge" for the toy museum "Block to Bricks." The second delay was that, “Joseph Healy Soda Bar” was too high for the clay figures to just  simply carry large logs while climbing up the log poles.  What was needed were cranes to lift the large logs upon the high standing log poles; and that led to the creation of the Lincoln Log cranes.   

Lincoln Log Castle

"Lincoln Log Castle" is a time lapse music video with the dimensions of 35” x 27.5” x 24”.  The entire piece uses 1,179 Lincoln Logs.  The three towers are variations to a previous structure, "Octagon Tower" [time lapse video (video link below)].  The goal of this work is to continue to use Lincoln Logs beyond the traditional means and show the world that Lincoln Logs have an endless possibility of creative power.    The music took a period of 21 hours to compose and has 91 tracks.

Octagon Tower

“Octagon Tower” is a time lapse Lincoln Logs construction video.  The structure’s dimensions are 8” x 8” x 59.5”.  There are 448 Lincoln Logs in the overall construction of the tower.  The work was inspired from working on various ways of building with Lincoln Logs beyond the traditional means.  This video is the first, live action video in creating a structure.  My goal is for people of all ages to be inspired to think outside of the box and take something traditional and turn it into something non-traditional.  Let me know what you come up with.

How to Make a Chair

"How to Make a Chair" is an animated Lincoln Log music video.  This short clay animation is made up of 2,474 photos, 53 audio tracks, and 22 Lincoln Logs.  This project took 16 hours to complete.

How to Make a Crane

"How to Make a Crane" is an animated music video that has clay figures build a crane out of Lincoln Logs.  The work uses 46 Lincoln Logs, the music is made up of 19 audio tracks, and the animation is made up of 5,945.  The overall work took 36 hours to complete.  

Healy Lodge

“Healy Lodge” is a large Lincoln Log structure built for the museum "Blocks to Bricks'' in Chicago.  The museum closed in November of 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The structure was donated to the owner of “Blocks to Bricks” for his traveling exhibits. The Lodge is made up of 1,827 Lincoln Logs and it took over 116 hours to build. 

Lincoln Logs: House no. 3

"Lincoln Logs: House no. 3" is an animated music video that has clay figures build a house out of Lincoln Logs.  The building process is in four steps.  The first step, the clay figures build the roof. Step two, the workers build the second floor. The first floor is built in the third step.  The fourth and final step, the clay workers lift the roof section onto the second floor of the house together and then lift the second floor (with the roof attached) onto the first floor.  Once the structure is complete, the house rotates 360 degrees.

How to Make a Fidget Spinner

"How to Make a Fidget Spinner" is an animated Lincoln Log music video where yellow, green, orange, and blue clay figures carry logs to form a fidget spinner shape.  The short clip is made up of 5,473 pictures, 462 Lincoln Logs, and 18 audio tracks.  The music was inspired by J. S. Bach's Cantatas BWV 49: Recitativo.